Consider us your behind-the-scenes partner. Our team of professionals works closely with you, providing valuable assistance in business development and marketing, enabling you to focus your time on client service and business growth.

$20M+ AUM
Benefits for colleagues in the Scaling phase of their business with $20+ million in assets under management receive the Growing benefits, plus:
- Custom design projects and marketing materials
- Hosted multi-gen family dinner
- Full annual brand audit
- Educational conference allowance
- Business transition planning and facilitation
- Website development and support
$50M+ AUM
Benefits for colleagues with $50+ million in AUM receive the Scaling benefits, plus custom support for design, marketing, and business growth support from LVZ as an extension of their office.
$10-20m AUM
Benefits for colleagues in the Growing phase of their business with $10-20 million in assets under management receive the Building benefits, plus:
- Invitation to join our IAR network
- Annual marketing strategy development
- Turn-key client retention events
- Continuing education scholarship
- Business succession planning: purchase on death agreements and salary continuation
- On-site business strategic planning
- Stipend for building brand marketing assets [photo, video, copy] from our preferred vendors
- Customizable newsletter content
$5-10m AUM
Benefits for colleagues in the Building phase of their business with $5-10 million in assets under management receive:
- Economist reports
- LVZ Monthly Market Recap
- Quarterly conference calls featuring market and portfolio updates
- Customized staff/team education
- Weekly market, operations, and compliance updates via email
- Client conference calls with LVZ leadership
- Business acquisition planning
- Collective partner colleague in-person event annually
- Financial planning consulting with LVZ partners
- Pre-populated forms with client authorization
- Monthly cohort calls with partner colleagues